Friday, February 1, 2008


Childhood Memories And Cash

We all had favorite toys when we were young that just didn't last over time, or we were not able to keep them; we find ourselves wishing that we had been able to hold on to them over the years. Because of this, many people are looking for these types of old toys they used to play with on the Internet.

If you would like to make money with this niche marketing idea; you can buy and sell novelty toys from the past. Sell them through your own website and through auction sites like eBay. Most people would look for hard to find items like these on the Internet.

You may be surprised at how many old toys you will be able to find also on these auction sites. Your local antique stores, second hand stores, garage and yard sales, auctions, estate sales, flea markets, swap meets, and thrift stores would be other fine ways to find your items also. You might even advertise for these older toys in your local newspapers too. Since these old toys may belong to people that aren't necessarily sure how to go about selling them, you could be the answer to how they can sell them.

If this seems like a 'business idea' you would like to start, you will want to study this area of antiques. This will help you recognize the true items while you are shopping for them. It will also help you decide on the prices you will want to pay for items that you find. To make a good profit on your sales, you will want to make sure that you are able to acquire the items for as little as possible and know how interested buyers are in them, and an idea of how much they are selling for.

Your investment to start this 'business idea' will cost you as much as you decide to spend. It doesn't cost too much to offer your items on auction sites. You will need to buy the items and then take pictures of them with a digital camera, so if you don't own one, acquire one. Digital cameras are essential for successful sales on-line. If you need to do research on these toys, you can do the research in your local library or buy the books; which can help as constant reference guides afterwards.

Digital pictures are essential for serious buyers looking for old toys from their past. Buyers will want to be sure that your item is what they remember and are looking for; your picture will also help to show that you have the item in your possession and that it is in good condition.

5 home business CD's for just one penny! And I'll ship them to you free...

1) Audio CD: How to Make Money Selling Hot Niche Info Products You Can Get for Free. Value: $47.00

2) Video CD: The Lost Videos. Value: $39.00

3) Audio CD: Success Secrets Revealed. Value: $39.98

4) Video CD: How To Find Red Hot Impulse Buyers and How You Can Make Money Showing Them where to find the Solution They Desperately Desire. Value: $49.00

5) Business Start Up Power Pack CD containing 9 business plans you can implement now. Value $67.00

Click here for details

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