Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Private Practice Tip - B Is For Beliefs - What Most Therapists Believe About Private Practice
Private practice means so much more than just having an office and seeing patients by the hour. While this is the common thought many mental health professionals envision, the truth is that so much more potential exists for you. Sadly, there are very common beliefs and themes that emerge in our profession. Common beliefs:
For some reason, most people believe that to make more money, you must work more hours or possibly even pick up a second job. This is not a specific thought held only within our industry or profession. However, it does seem to be a strong theme among our peers and colleagues. The reality is that we only have so much time. Our time is limited, and we should treat is as a precious commodity.
Instead of working harder, we need to learn to work smarter. We need to learn to leverage our time and make the most of each and every hour that we have.
Change your beliefs:
This allows for unlimited opportunity. This can include, but is not limited to, conducting groups, taking on consulting projects, speaking publicly, conducting workshops and seminars, and so much more.
The real lesson here is that you truly want to shift your thinking and understand what potential exists. Don't listen to people who tell you otherwise. If you can dream it, you can create it, and live it. It all starts with your beliefs.
Spend some time considering what your beliefs are about being in private practice?
To learn more about how you can develop the private practice you have always wanted, I invite you to sign up for a 7-part eCourse on the most common myths mental health professionals believe about their practice opportunities.
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