Friday, January 4, 2008


Why You Should Wash Your Company Vehicle

So many solo professionals are too busy to wash their cars and they make excuses like, my clients will not care, but is that really true? I submit to you that it is not and would like to ask you a few questions if you think it is okay to drive a dirt bomb car in your business endeavors. Now then:

  • Would you eat at a Restaurant if you saw bugs on the floor?
  • Would you fly in an Airliner with a Pilot who had tattoos visible?
  • Would you ride on the back of a motorcycle with someone wearing sandals?
  • Would you get your hair cut by a hairdresser whose scissors had rust on them?
  • Would you trust a Financial Planner who used a little "Hello Kitty" pink calculator?
  • Would you trust a contractor or remodeler who showed up in a Yugo with no bumper to do the bid?
  • Would you do business with a 20-year old mortgage broker with a nose ring and a Led Zepplin T-shirt?
  • Would you go to a car wash where the sign was falling down and the employees looked like they might steal something?

Heck, maybe you would, but I wouldn't and I guarantee you most of your clients wouldn't either. So, what do I know? Maybe you are the cream of the crop there in your area selling whatever it is that you sell, but you'll never get my business with that attitude or with a lack of respect to those who are paying the inflated commissions on their purchases.

Yes, I said inflated. You know many people think that those who sell something, even professional consultants are merely parasites. I don't, but believe me I have had conversations out there like that and heard the feedback that folks are too nice to say to your faces. I do not necessarily agree with them, mostly, I think that sort of talk is wrong, but the stereotype is what you need to overcome and believe me driving a dirty car is not doing you any favors.

My name is Lance Winslow and I am a semi-retired entrepreneur, retired Franchisor and now I am a consultant brain-4-hire, internet writer and author. I got bored in retirement so I founded the Online Think Tank - . If you would like to send me an email just to say hi, discuss an article, send me hate mail or need some advice you can find me at; . Have a great day and thanks for reading - tell me about you?

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